Thursday, October 27, 2011

Conversation Changer #21 : Singing

Note: This is an oldie that we forgot to publish. As you can tell, it was written in June. School has resumed again and Fred is getting his fair share of quintupiple advanced college level world dictator classes. We are also getting experience as presidents of congress.

Prepare: Learn the lyrics to a song that is popular and maybe even annoying. It also helps if you can't sing or have a naturally annoying singing voice.

What to do: Bored with the conversation? Just start singing.

Carlos: Can we please go to the movies? I really want to see "Pink Ponies Fly"! It's about two people who work at an amusement park and fall in love.
Fred: No.
Carlos: But it's full of romance and love and... please?
Fred: No.
Carlos: Plea-
Fred: (singing) It's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday! Partying, partying-
Carlos: Um, it's Thursday.
Fred: Yeah! Fun, fun, fun, fun...
Carlos: Hey! Last Friday was the last day of school!
Fred: I know. It's sucks. I'm going to miss my quadruple advanced calculus and trigonometry statistics class.
Carlos: My favorite part of the year was...

Conclusion: Your friend will be reminded of something from the song and will talk about that. Or if the song is really annoying, they'll talk about anything to get you to stop singing.

Warning: Learning a popular/catchy/annoying song has the risks of your head exploding because it gets stuck in your head and doesn't come out.